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A very different holiday

Christmas is very different this year, but it is turning out just as it should.  We are sad to miss friends and family, but we try to just not think about that….this is the first year we haven’t loaded up in the truck to go find the perfect tree.  It is the first time since Emilie was one year old that I have not dragged out the “It’s a Wonderful Life” Christmas village.  The stockings the kids all made 7 years ago (that we pull out every year and have a good laugh) are stored away in Colorado, right next to the homemade school projects the kids have created over the years.  There is no tree, no lights, in fact there are not even any presents…the kids are old enough now, they just want money so they can pick out what they want.  We are not cuddling by the fire, drinking hot coco, listening to Christmas music (we tried some carol’s, but it was just weird so we turned it off).  We are in fact in shorts and sandals, and some of us are sunburn…This is strange for a traditional girl like me, but I am actually loving this.  No pressure, no rushing, no spending hundreds of dollars that you don’t have, many times on things you are more obligated to than in love with.  No office parties, no over-eating, no February credit card statements.  This Christmas is peaceful, thoughtful, and surprisingly….pleasant.  The greatest gift Africa has given us is lack of distraction, and LOTS of family time.  We spend our mornings in the word, and then in prayer….praying mostly for all of you.  No television opens the door for many games of UNO, Monopoly and of course Poker, (Noah walks around saying “I am all in!!” he doesn’t have a clue what that means.)  We also have had some amazing breakthroughs as individuals and as a family.  We each have things the Lord is showing us about ourselves, most too personal to share with the masses…all I can say is, my children are once again blowing us away with their depth, insight and brokenness…I have had several discussions with my three oldest boys recently that I knew I would have with them one day, but I honestly thought we were a good ten to twenty years from reaching this point.  I am still a bit in shock, and overwhelmed with blessings.  I don’t think denying Christmas in it commercial sense is the answer, but un-plugging from the chaos and looking your family in the eyes, listening to their hearts and their spirits…..priceless!  I highly recommend it! 


  1. You have the most gorgeous family any one could ever hope for. Of course we are not prejudiced, however, we speak only the truth. When we see you in pictures like this and especially at this time of year we get a tear in our eye because we miss all of you sooo much. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you this season. You are loved and missed.
    Mom and Dad Black

  2. It sounds like our Christmas when we went to Mexico. No gifts,rush or hurry, just focusing in on Jesus our Savior and Lord. Our children liked this Christmas better then the others. Gary and Lisa, you have one now that your family will hold very special. Wishing you this Christmas all the joys that Jesus brings. Love Mom and Dad

  3. Lisa – lovely stuff ! You are to be envied ! Hope you are healing up , my Girl . xo to all . Andrew.

  4. I’m jealous…I’m a little overwhelmed with the commercialism of Christmas here…it’s hard not to get sucked in. I just keep thinking “do you know how much that is in rand”…”do you know you could have just paid for someone’s school fees for a year with that Christmas present you just bought”. I love you guys, love your heard and love your family. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Glad to hear that though your Christmas is different, that your first African Christmas is turning into a wonderfully blessed one. The kids and I have been praying for that! I can truly say that my 2 Swazi Christmases were some of my most special ever. 🙂

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