They say hard times show you who your friends are, well, this past week I was reminded again of the blessings I sometimes take for granted. I really did not want to advertise my health problems, or discuss my surgery with the world. My husband, however wanted prayer and support, and so he has discussed this with pretty much EVERYONE. I am much more private than he is which is a continual place for us to disagree. This also puts me in a difficult position, one of dependence on those around me, which I hate. It is always easier to do it myself than ask for help. Maybe that is why God allows these things, so we are reminded that we are merely human, dependant on Him, and each other. The recovery is no picnic, nor was the brief hospital stay, had I known it was going to be that rough I probably would have been less peaceful going under than I was. Of course all I could think of was all the amazing women I know in Africa, ones suffering much more than I can imagine. Women that have no loving husbands to support for them, and INSIST that they rest. Women that don’t have friend’s constantly bringing meals, flowers, and love to their homes. Women that don’t have parents that adore and care for them, and their families. Women that suffer alone in their huts, not a private room in a state-of-the-art hospital. I have all those things, and then some; I am not sure why I am so blessed. I really always have been supported, loved, and cared for. Sometimes I

wonder….WHY? Why do I have these gifts, why do my friends in Africa seem to suffer on every level, when they no doubt are much better people than me? I wonder if “the first shall be last” will all make sense when we are living together for eternity. It is then we will see the humble women, men and children that suffered horribly on this earth rest in peace right by the side of Jesus, while some of us will be much lower on the food chain than we think. Being back here in this amazing country, I am more convinced than ever that we are closer to the Kingdom of God than we think, We are all rich, we are all blessed, and we are all living a dream, whether we appreciate it or not.
Thank you to all of you for the messages, cards, meals, visits, flowers, prayer, support and mostly the LOVE…..
so glad you’re healing. we’ll miss you on the trip!
a good perspective to keep. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Love that pic! So cute. Glad you are on the mend. Colee
i adore you darling lisa! we are having the most fun ever! thank yiu for praying and loving me into this glorious place! xxoo
I’ve been praying for you! I’m so glad to hear that everything went alright. You are such an inspiration!!!!
Glad you are healing well and God is speaking to your heart about your wonderful friends in Africa and all the blessings you have here!! I love it! 😉
I am sorry that I am not there with you! And I am so so so so sad that you won’t be coming to Swaziland! I miss you, my sister! But I will see you in October. Praying for you.
Lots of love
Your main man is gone for a few days, but at least you have chocolate! Get well soon!
Dear sister – you’re such a beauty even in a hospital gown! How do you do it 😉
Glad to hear you’re doing better- it’s no fun to be dependent – I hear you on that one! But thankful you are back in the US – praying for continued healing! Sitting in an internet cafe in S. Africa now – I will be in Swazi July 3 – 12 and will hug those precious little ones we love and give them a thousand extra hugs and kisses for you too!
I’ve been praying for you and I wanted to let you know that my 12 year old Betsie prayed not only for your healing, but about the fact that you couldn’t be with Gary going to Swaziland. She knows how much you love that country and its people and even after only being there herself for a week, she understands a little about how hard it is to be left back at home.
Love to you and yours,
Elysa “Thandeka” MacLellan
I am so thankful that all went well for you, Lisa!
hey there lisa! i´m so glad to hear that you´re doing better…on the mend and all!!
yeah…we are amazingly blessed huh?
love you!
I am so glad you hear you are doing well. Love you and miss you and definitely praying for you!!