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please don’t say you are just not going to vote!



It is difficult to get any news here, dare I say it is difficult to get any truthful media anywhere in the world?  Tracking this presidential election from a third world country has been very enlightening. 


The first presidential election I could ever vote for was Bush Sr.vs. Clinton.  I was so depressed after the results I was in a funk for about 3 months.  I was only 21 years old at the time, and immature in life and in the spirit.  Anyone who knows me might describe me as, well, opinionated, in politics and life.  I am hoping that time and age as tamed that as well.


  The 21 year old in me would be freaking out over possible candidates that will make decisions for our precious country that will be felt around the world for years and years to come.  The 21 year old in me would not be sleeping, and checking obsessively to make sure my absentee ballot will be counted from another country. The twenty-one year old in me would be rehearsing every possible worst case scenario, and the possibility of my great-grand children paying too high a price for bad decisions made these next four years…the 21 year old in me never prayed for president Clinton, but instead made jokes about him, and trashed him  at every turn.


The thirty-seven year old that has had the life kicked out of her, has a different spin on this election year.  I will vote, just like I always have. I will continue to teach my children to always educate themselves on the issues, and to always pray before casting their ballot. I continue to support my country, and it’s military.  I would hate to lose any of my children, but would be so proud if they died defending their country, the only honor greater would be dying for their faith. The thirty-seven year old me, is no longer fearful, because I know that God is on the Throne and is not unaware of what is happening, neither will He be shocked, surprised, discouraged nor overwhelmed by the results in November….comforting isn’t it.


This coming year maybe we could all practice some Kingdom principles, like, speaking life about all God’s children, even the ones supported by Hollywood, and  praying for all of them. Maybe if we pray for those we perceive to be our enemies, scripture may be tested and found to be true.  Maybe the church could act like Jesus this year and not the Pharisees…maybe we could be light and life, and not religious hate mongers.


Maybe we should remember, God rises up and takes down leaders…so I guess He is in control after all…

Maybe we should stop complaining, and start prophesying, educating ourselves, and voting for the people God whispers to us to vote for, teaching the next generation to do the same…it really is not so scary after all.

Oh, and if you do hear any Hollywood actors make statements like, “If so-and- so is our next president I am moving out of this country!!!’ send them my number; I know a few Africans that would gladly trade places with them!


  1. Lisa here I am in London with your husband, reading your blog and so full of praise that you are my daughter in law. Great blog hopefully it will help wake people up, the alternative is not good. God bless.

  2. Oh Lisa then I’m in trouble! I’ve been saying that for months. ” If H- C becomes president I am moving to South Africa!” Please laugh at me, I think I’m just looking for a reason to move there! I agree strongly in what you are saying, no matter what, we are to pray for and support our leaders! How ridiculous we look to the rest of the world when all the media protrays is Americans talking poorly about our president and about the war. Coming together in prayer is the only way to change things not grumbling and complaning.

    Peace to all,


  3. You are out-of-control girl! What a year has shown you… how we going to vote from Africa again?

  4. Lisa, What a great article….isn’t it amazing
    the picture you get from another country. What
    balanced wisdom you have on this issue.
    I love ya, Thanks for my “treats”…. Em

  5. Praying for miracles in London for Gary and Dwyane and for you and the family in Swazi. If -wins, I’ll move to Capetown!

  6. Thanks for always sharing your heart. You don’t know me, but I came across your blog as well as your husband’s blog while following those on the WR a year ago, and have enjoyed watching the growth of your family. This year at 28 yrs. old, I think I finally got it and was able to put into practice what you were saying about Kingdom principles. Two verses that have so impacted me with this election and reminded me that God always knows what is going on is:
    Daniel 2:20-21 He said, “Praise the name of God forever and ever, for he has all wisdom and power. He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars.

    And I pray that we may keep our focus on God and remember to pray for those all over the world during election years (and especially Kenya right now).

    God Bless.

  7. to GT,
    if you move to Capetown can you make sure you have a guestroom for your fav African family…or just a closet…we will take a closet

  8. AMEN! I could have written this post, Lisa. A friend of mine (Elysa) in Mississippi sent me the link to your blog, and I was struck by this entry. I had the same reaction to the Clinton election that you had (except I was 20, not 21). And, now, 16 yrs. and 5 kids later…after surviving some really hard experiences and discovering firsthand that God is Sovereign…I can echo everything you said re. the way you’re approaching the 2008 election (and everything else in life, for that matter).

    One more thing. I want to make a declaration here, even though you don’t know me. Right now, due to some hard knocks and foolish choices, my dh and I are inching our way out of massive credit card debt. By the grace of God, we WILL see the day that we are a slave to NO man. In the meantime, God has been preparing our hearts FOR that day. When the time comes that we can choose once again where to spend our money, our expense sheet will not look like it otherwise would have. We won’t be maxing out our budget on the biggest, fanciest house that our bank will loan us the money for. We won’t be buying a brand new Town & Country or granite countertops. NO. We are committing now to work toward a financial situation that enables us to care for widows and orphans. Because that’s what Jesus would do!

    God bless you as YOU care for widows and orphans even now. You inspire us all to live out “true religion.”

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