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Adding to the tribe!

No, I am not pregnant, well not literally anyway, but our family is definitely expanding!

Gary and I have just met a whole new crew of brothers and sisters, in a little town called McGregor, Texas. 

If you want to find it on a map, it will be a little tiny dot just outside Waco. It is the hometown of our long time brother, Mike Paschall, who now resides there again in a “full circle” expression of Gods love with his fabulous wife, Ms. Patti. McGregor and its people are a great deal like their pastor, quiet, unassuming, humble and an absolute GIANT in the spirit.

Friday night Patti and I had the honor of speaking with the beautiful women, while the men went into the woods to find their hearts with Mike and Gary. We both brought a hard message and were both received with love and acceptance. 

Sunday morning standing in the mist of this body brought us to our knees; the worship was powerful, and very sweet. The message was amazing, Gary is hitting new levels in the Spirit and leaving me in awe watching and listening to him. After the “service” though was a memory and is now seared into my heart in the most brilliant way. 

Each Family took communion together, and prayed for one another, and husbands washed the feet of their wives and mothers washed the feet of their children. The ministry was real, the hearts were sincere, the people broken and hungry for more of God. All I could think was, “now this IS what church is supposed to be”, how sad that we have missed it. How sad that we have made it about performance and built it on one man, instead of the entire body. 

This small body of believers in the town that most have never heard of is being promoted to do great things in the kingdom of God. They are aware however that that “promotion” is a result and a requirement of more “death to self”, not celebrity and certainly does not come with out a cost. 

The Lord is asking them to live in community, to rise above all they have seen and all they have been taught to serve Him and each other and be better than, by laying their rights down….

After what I saw in them this weekend, I have no doubt they are on their way. Best circle McGregor on your map, there is a remnant there of humble believers that soon the entire World will know!


  1. I so wish I could have been there with you guys! Mom said it was an awesome weekend! Love you and miss you Iz & Jones are missing their Auntie Lisa!

  2. The time spent with you was amazing…I love your heart…Craig said the “time in the woods” was awesome…touch him deeply…he hasn’t stop talking about it!
    Thank you both for coming and sharing! Hopefully we will see you soon! love, amanda

  3. I have felt like I have known you for a while by reading your blogs…so glad to finally put a face with the heart! You are a true beauty…inside and out. You and Gary are great role models for our generation and the generations to come. Next time I show off my shoulders, I am going to do it in your honor! haha
    I know we will meet again…call me prophetic! Sending love and blessings your way! : )

  4. so glad yall could make it to the inferno texas!! it was amazing seeing yall! love you mama black!! wish i coulda been there friday though, but oh well. tell the kids i said what it do! holla!!

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