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A very Good Friday!


There are moments in life that define your journey, moments and days that are seared in your memory forever.  This last “Good Friday” was that kind of day for me.  I had been praying for some very specific things from the Lord for a few weeks, I was fighting a heaviness that I knew I had to release.  The World Racers have been in Africa for a few months.  They have come and gone out of Swaziland, and some teams have stayed here the entire time.  They have become a part of the family, and our kids have adopted them as brothers and sisters.  We have taught them, prayed with them, lived with them, and poured ourselves into them like a mother and father should.  There have been moments of discipline, and evenings of rejoicing.  Over all however, Gary and I still felt there were some bondages that were hanging on that needed to be released from their lives for them to step up to the new level of anointing and deliverance the Lord had for them.   Mo and Andrew Shearman arrived last week, and brought with them a powerful message of Truth.  Our last morning together in our Lapha, just happened to be Good Friday, the day we acknowledge as the day Jesus Christ was tortured and killed, taking the sin of all mankind with Him.  Andrew spoke with great power, telling us the story of our Savior descending into to Hell with authority and crushing Satan’s head with His heel.   Jesus took all the weapons that Satan and his army use against us.  He stripped Hell of all its power, and gave US those weapons to us, to use against Hell itself!  Rejection, depression, fear, lust, no longer can hold us when we take out our Sword of the Lord, and cut in off!  The Spirit of the living God fell all over each one of us, and with a shout, we were set free!  You could see in the faces of all the kids, mine included, today was a day of victory and deliverance!  Prophesy began to flow, and one by one we watched with tears streaming down our faces as the generation we would die for, step out into their calling and gifting. Powerful words of healing and truth filled the air, and these kids that we adore, began to prophesy over each other and our own children, answering and confirming all the prayers I had whispered for the weeks before, only to God.

It was then that several decided to be baptized in their new “life” by Andrew in Noah’s little pool.  Alexis, Emilie and Noah were baptized for the first time, and Michael and Caleb for the second time, but now under the covering of Andrew Shearman!  Tyler, the focus of most of the profesy sat quiet and still before the Lord, deep in thought, and absorbing all that had been spoken over him.  I was consumed by complete peace, and overwhelmed by the faithfulness and glory of such a Great and powerful God…I will never forget this “Good Friday” and the truth of what it means…it truly is a GOOD day!


  1. how amazing!! it was for days like that that your family was called to swazi! much love and blessings to all!

  2. Awesome and mighty woman of God, full of life and engery and share it with those around her, my the Lord continue to bless you and your family and all those who support your God give passion, it was a honor and a pleasure . God Speed!!!!!!

  3. Lisa: how exciting! Thank you for loving our WR brothers and sistersthey are pretty amazing! We are jealous they are getting all your love right now! We miss you guys and can’t wait to see you! Allison

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