Emilie Elise Black is 15 years old today.(Feb.13) Her brothers tease her that she can still fit into the same life vest she wore when she was learning to knee-board when she was seven. Caleb (10) and Michael (14) call her their “little sister”. She has gotten taller, but she is still a tiny thing, but don’t let her size fool you, this girl is a powerhouse! Right now she is living in a tent in the bush next to 2 lions, (don’t freak out
Grandma’s the lions are behind two fences). Everyday Emilie gets to go to our Care points with the WR team and work with the children she loves so dearly. Seth Jr. is on that team and is apparently spoiling her with a special birthday breakfast, and her big brother Tyler is heading down to pick her up for our family party tonight. Tomorrow, by her own choice, Emilie will head back down to bush to sit in the dirt with the “least of these”. Her heart has been broken for the orphans of the world, she has been forever changed. She has her “special” little ones, like “John,” that she named after her birth father. When we are away from Swaziland for more than a few days she talks of all the babies, she worries about them, prays for them, and yearns to be with them. She is a gifted and patient pre-school teacher. Her Daddy would say watching Emilie this past year has been like watching a tiny bud blossom into a vibrant and colorful rose.
When Emilie lost her birth father when she was just shy of three years old, I honestly thought I lost Emilie as well. Her trademark “sparkle and fire” left her, and although I never stopped praying for her healing, I was discouraged and fearful we would never see the REAL Emilie again. God has exceeded all my dreams for my baby girl, He has not only healed her, and He is making her a giant in the Spirit. God also has given her the perfect earthy father,who for the last eight years has stretched her, challenged her and loved her unconditionally.
Happy Birthday Emilie, never let anything steal your unique sparkle and fire again, go take the world little girl…it is what you were created for,
Love you more than you could ever know,
Happy Birthday Emilie!
You sure do have quite an amazing girl there! I am glad that I got join along side her on her journey for just a bit in Swazi. Its going to be amazing to see where God takes and uses her! She’s awesome! AND she’s got the best name EVER! 😉
on my way home girlfriend… you rock, Happy Birthday!!!! I was singing “Home” today thinking of you…
Happy Birthday sweet emilie….the Davis’ Fam
loves and blesses you this special day! Happy
Valentines Day too!
Happy Birthday Emlie! I wish I could go with you into the bush. You sound so incredible with those children. I know it means so much to their spirits to have you name them and to have you look for each of them when you come. Everyone is longing to belong, and everyone longs for a special look. I pray God embraces you today and speaks deeply to you of his pleasure.
I will always remember my visits to Michigan and sweet little “Pie Pie” climbing, climbing, climbing, on everything taller than her adorable little self!
Don’t stop climbing darlin’. God has so very much in store for your blossoming life. Happy, happy birthday! Love you…
Happy Birthday sweet and most beautiful girl. If you were here I would make you a yummy Maltby cake complete with chocolate dipped strawberries and lots of huggs from your queen mother…YOU are so dear to me.
I love you sweet girl..
Emilie Elise Black is 15 years old? Wow! The way you flow with your environment makes that seem impossible. You are gifted, anointed, charming, sweet, beautiful, talented…and best of all…loved by everyone who knows you! Happy Birthday xo
HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY MS. EMILIE! I met you when you were 7. I immediately fell in love with you, your sister and your Mom….and of course your New Daddy and brothers. Wow…where has 8 years gone? You were beautiful then and still are. I am so proud of you and your family for what you are all doing. REAL KINGDOM WORK! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY AND KNOW MS. PATTI & MR. MIKE LOVE THE BLACK FAMILY!
Oh dearest Emma, Im so proud of you and wish that I could be there to spoil you and hug you and love you to pieces. You are a true inspiration to me and I wish you the greatest birthday yet! lot and lots of loves!
Emileeeeeeeeee: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Emileeeeeeeeeeeee, Happy birthday to you. Sorry for being late but now you can be my valentine along with Erin as well as have a happy birthday. Love you hottie!!!!
Chad & Erin
Happy birthday Emilie. In the few brief moments that I had the pleasure to be in your company, you inspired me. Your love for God is evident in your eyes, and your humility shines in your compassion for hurting people. I barely know you, but I love you because you are Jesus in so many ways. Keep doing what you are doing, because you are doing great.
hey girls! happy birthday emilie!!
i’m so excited that you are down in nsoko with the team!!!! how awesome! i’m sure that it is totally stretching you outside of your comfort zones, but worth it to be able to hold the little ones 😉
love ya!
Em our gentle princess,
We are so proud of your love over the orphans. This is a special gift God has given you, and it will never leave. We wish you a very special Birthday. Hope your suitcase got to you with out a scratch. Love you so much Grandpa and Grandma and Val and Justin
Happy Birthday Emily! I love you and miss you! Hopefully this summer I can stay with you in the tent and we can spend our days with the awesome kids you get to be with everyday! I’m envious…even though I know I’m not supposed to be!
Dearest Em. You are sooooo special and so loved. We miss you sooooo much. Happy b-day precios one. Love g. and g
Happy Birthday Emilie. Keep up the good work, our prayers are always with you.
miss emma-poo…i’m sitting in my living room watching a movie on africa and thinking of you. You are such a gem and I love you dearly! I’m glad my brother was there to help spoil you. I love you so much girl. Can’t wait to see you again. Praying for you often.
Happy Birthday, Emilie…we miss you and hope to see you in Swazi soon. We are beginning to plan a trip to Zimbabwe and want to stop and see you and the family. The twins say hi…and happy birthday, as well.
Love you all – Happy Belated Birthday!