Gary and I had meetings several hours from our home one Friday morning…We knew we would have to leave no later than 6:30 Am.; the roads are rough and hilly, so we always want to have plenty of time.
That meant leaving before the kids left for school. We are always home for this part of the day, and so I was nervous.
I spent the better part of Thursday night arranging adult escorts to school, cell phones, snacks, lunches ect.
I made sure their coats and sweatshirts were available and clean for the 4 minute walk to school. I arranged with teachers and friends to be available and check on them in our absence.
I love to go with him to these meetings, but my heart is always with my kids.
I prayed and read scriptures aloud as the sun started to rise over the mountains. We sipped our coffee, and turned the heat up in the car.
It is winter here now, and most people do not think of Africa as cold, but believe me some days you do need a winter coat. As we drove down the two lane highway, where we are alert and aware of the occasional goat, chicken and cow that could walk out in front of us and cause and accident.
Honestly, we are more concerned about damage to the car or ourselves than the animals.
However, within minutes as the sun shut out the darkness, the roadsides were covered with a different more precious obstacle…children. Hundreds of children covered the road, in different colored uniforms for different school.
Children as tall as Tyler, and much smaller than Noah.
Alone, cold, some without shoes.
No, school buses, or leather seated SUV’s, or even a parents hand to guide them in the early morning hours.
I noticed some carried backpacks, but most carried nothing at all.
That meant a whole school day with no food.
One little girl looked about 4 or 5, she wore a thin T-shirt, she wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm.
She looked rather miserable, and my heart ached for her.
Why, it is some children are so spoiled with more than they can even use, most American kids I know have more toys, clothes and gadgets than they can use or take care of?
Yet, most will continue to receive more and more with every simple accomplishment, like getting older or seeing another Christmas.
This little girl would have been thrilled with any sweater, or sweatshirt, she would not have looked at the label, or even the size.
She just wanted to be warm….
Why, are some children protected, wanted, and celebrated.
Why, are some seen no more valuable than the cows, chickens and goats. They feel, breath, hurt, dream, laugh, cry and fear just like our children…Who will hear them, who will care for them?