“I have done what was mine to do, now you must do what is yours to do,” St. Francis.
This blog is the always honest and sometimes messy musings of my journey. I have been a young widow, a single working mother, the matriarch of a wild and beautiful blended family, a missionary, a grieving mother, a writer, a speaker, a counselor and now a grandmother.
We have lived in Swaziland, Africa, working with AIDS orphans and now reside in Spain where we mentor, teach and encourage a generation of brilliant young leaders.
I love America and it will always be home, no matter where I lay my head.
I am married to a fearless man that pushes me to be brave and I am the mother of six amazing children who have taught me more about love than I ever knew.
I am a defender of the vulnerable and a lover of life.
Death, despair and grief have tried to overtake me at times, but I am still here and I am still fighting for my family and the next generation.
I will never give up.
I have found true joy in the everyday mundane moments of real life and have been swept away on some grand adventures.
I have found a strength deep within me that I never knew existed, and a God that loves bigger and deeper then I can fathom.
I want my life to be a living, breathing beacon of hope drenched in authenticity,
I hope you find some beauty in my ashes.
Lisa-Marie Black
Lisa-Marie, I would just like to say that I am honored to read your webpages. I came across your “breathe Africa” website as I was randomly searching on how to make Africa jewelry for a friend whose going into missions. You share my heart so much and I just think you are an amazing woman of God to do all that you do for Him. My heart weeps with yours when you talk about the children, because that is also my heart. I just arrived back from Mozambique and South Africa after being there for a year and a half with Heidi and Rolland’s ministry in Pemba, and I feel everything that you write about on your website. I have been home for almost 8 weeks and all I can think about is how God is going to provide for me to go back and a place to get involved permanently. I do believe I need to regroup a bit, but my heart is still for the masses of unwanted, thrownaway children left for death. I commend you for enduring and the difference you and your family are making to thousands of people. You have so much life in you and I pray God will continue to give you His joy for Your strength. We just can’t seem to love enough sometimes, eh? And if people would allow God to break their hearts for the things that break His and choose to die, we would really find life. I am forever changed because of my time in Africa and it’s what do I do with in now after re-entry that I am having a challenging time with it. But God is helping me, slooooowwwwwllly…God bless you, my sister in Christ! Love, Stephanie
my blog is http://stephanie-livingoutlove.blogspot.com if you EVER have time…hehehehe…