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Thoughts & Inspiration

This has been a hard winter in
, the hardest I can remember, and the longest too.
  Cold, windy, too much snow, too many days inside.
  The sky has been much darker, more clouds than we are used to.
  My kids are actually sick of snow days, not to mention even their favorite soups and stews.
  I am craving the feel of the sun on my skin, grilling outside, and lemonade instead of hot coco…sundresses instead of sweaters.
  Summer and spring bring new hope and new life with the green grass and unending lazy days…

Spiritually, it is also time for Spring, for our family and most families I know…it seems my conversations with my friends are mostly the same….Change is coming, and it is good, we can all feel it in the air, but cannot yet grasp it…Winter has truly been too long it seems.
  Discouragement sets in, it seems you can not take one more day…and then you get an updated forecast for your life….more rain, more snow, no end in sight!
  It is in those moments we start to question, “did I hear God, or was it my own voice,” , “have I missed it altogether”…The timing of God is a true mystery, the longer I live the more I know I can NOT predict His next move, except for this.
He always strips away all possibilities that the blessings and breakthroughs in my life have come from ANYPLACE other than HIS throne.
 He will NOT share His glory.
I have not been able to manipulate, buy, or expedite major changes and blessings in my life.
  I am choosing to count my blessings today, turns out I have too many to contain.
  I believe that God will come bursting through the clouds again at the eleventh hour and shock me with something more wonderful than I could ever conjure up.
  I believe this because He is faithful, and He has always proven true.

His voice seems very quiet today, the winter seems unending, but I KNOW spring will be more beautiful because of it!

ready to play on the beach with my kids!

I am reminded of the verse on my wedding invitations…Song of Songs 2;11

“See! the winter is past;the rains are over and gone.  Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come.”

6 responses to “spring…..anyone?”

  1. SPRING!!!! come to me!!
    it has been SUCH a long winter and i want the sun to come out from hiding!!

  2. UM>>> yea… why do you think that i keep buying baby blue, lemon yellow, light pink, and white outfits? i’m pushing it!

  3. Oh, sometimes I dream of shorts, tank tops, flip flops and sun, when I climb into my cold bed (cold still w/ flannel sheets!!!) Spring is coming!!